Take a Picture, it Will Last Longer :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

If you could only see this...

Hot springs and the gorgeous view


This post comes to you all the way from ICELAND!! Hello everyone! WOW...Do I have soooooo many things to tell you all. It is going to take a few posts in the next few days just to cover our first day here! We arrived in Iceland at about 7:00 this morning(3:00 your time). Icelandair was the most beautiful plane I have ever seen. Everything from the seats, to the tv screens on every chair back, to the nice flight attendants was just amazing. So, everyone knows you can't take me anywhere without me doing something silly on accident...here is the silly story of the day: The nice Icelandic flight attendant lady was walking around asking if anyone wanted an Icelandic newspaper. This made me super excited and I raised my hand. When she asked me if I wanted a blanket, I said, "Sí." Oh my! Without even thinking twice, I had told the noce Icelandic woman "yes" in Spanish-not Icelandic. Oops! (I think I said "I'm sorry" in English though) lesson learned-She and I both busted out in laughter. I will never forget that :) After arriving in Reykavik, we had breakfast at a little cafe. Guess what?!? I had the BEST coffee I have ever had. Yall I had Icelandic coffee! The food is just simply amazing and so healthy tasting. We traveled about an hour to our home in Skalholt. I wish you could see what my eyes are seeing right now. We wasted no time in getting to our adventures. The weather was nice with a hint of wind and rain showers. First, we hiked to meet the group of horses that live down the way. I am scared of horses, but for some reason, these horses didn't scare me. They are so friendly and mellow. I actually got to pet many of them. Next, we walked to the hot springs. Boy did this hot water feel like therapy for our aching feet! The springs are terrific to see. Your eyes can see for miles and miles. Volanoes, glaciers, and hot springs are just a few scenes of our back and front yard. All I know to say is that God can create some beautiful scenery. So guys Day 1, I drank the best coffee ever, petted an Icelandic horse, got licked by an Icelandic dog, used Icelandic toilets, and got to know some of the best girls in a place that is nothing less than breathtaking. Tomorrow will be epic-we are going to church and then to boil eggs in the hot spring. Thank you all so much for your prayers, thoughts, messages, and love. Skype and email have worked great; I would love to talk to you! Please remember Julia in your prayers, she is not feeling very good. I am posting a few pictures for now, many more to come to Facebook later. Well, it is 10:42 pm and still as light as it was at 11:00 am. My mama and daddy said I had to go to bed on time, so I guess this is goodbye for now. Happy Anniversary mama and daddy-I Love You both. Góða nótt Friends :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Surreal Day

Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for following my blog while I am in Iceland. Truly, each one of you are traveling with me in my heart. As I write this post, I am in disbelief. I can't believe that I will be in Iceland in a day. Iceland!! Today has been so surreal. I keep having to remind myself that I leave tomorrow to be gone for a month. It feels like I am just leaving to go to summer camp or Mexico, but this experience will be nothing like anything I have experienced before. I feel so excited, but I sure do feel the butterflies in my stomach!
So, I know you are wondering why Iceland? Well, it seems like yesterday I was sitting in the freshman study abroad info session. I had my mind made up that I was going to do the UK tour. I quickly found out that God had different plans-amazing plans! One night I was spending time with my Friend Courtney and she proceeded to tell me all about her trip to Iceland. I was amazed by the beauty of the country, the things they studied, and the program itself. Most of all though, I was astounded by the love and passion Courtney had for Iceland. At that moment, I knew I too wanted to experience the beauty and love of Iceland.
So, why did I name my blog "Be still and know?" The moment I saw pictures of Iceland, I immediatley thought of Psalm 46:10. This verse will be very close to my heart while I am in Iceland. I am praying that I will grow so much closer to God through this experience. When I look at the beautiful creation of Iceland, I can't help but praise God. Please pray that God will shine through me, so I might share His love with the friends and people I will meet.
Whew, I am sorry I am writing so much. My heart is racing :) My plane leaves tomorrow at 11:10 am for Boston. Then we have a layover in Boston and depart for Iceland at 9:30 pm. We will arrive in Reykjavik at 6:30 am. Final destination: Skálholt!! My address will be Michelle Cox email me: michelleleecox@gmail.com
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Thank you all for your prayers and constant love and support! I will miss you all terribly! Please pray for my family and Friends I am leaving behind. I can't wait to share this adenventure of a lifetime with you all. As they say in Iceland-Bless Bless! Get ready Iceland- Michelle Cox is coming to learn, to have fun, to see your beauty, and to discover who I really am. Thank you Lord for this amazing opportunity!